Race Mode

‘Screenshot’ from video by FIS Alpine/Graphics by ARM


  • In "Race Mode," clear your mind of technique and focus on the key features of the racecourse.

  • Stay calm with deep breathing, warm up, start the race confidently, and consider using a race mantra.

  • Check your equipment thoroughly.

Race mode is the focused mental and physical state that athletes enter before and during a race, enabling them to perform at their best in competitive conditions.

Strategies to help you enter Race Mode

1. Clear your Mind

  • Your mind and body know how to ski so trust your training and focus on the key features of the racecourse.

  • The more time you spend actively inspecting and visualizing, the course, the less you will need to consciously think about it during the race.

To view a great example of a World Cup racer in race mode, watch about a MINUTE of this video from where it starts until the message ‘I am excited and I love ski racing!’ appears. The rest of the video is also worth watching, as it reviews start technique.

Video by Lee Morse

2. Stay Calm

  • Managing your nerves is crucial. Focus on deep, slow breathing to stay calm.

  • Ignore distractions such as the crowd and other racers.

Watch this video to learn more about how to stay calm.

Video by Darren Turner Skiing

Being calm doesn't mean having ‘floppy’ muscles; rather, it involves using the right muscles at the right time, like your core, when moving forward.

3. Check Your Equipment

  • Ensure your equipment is ready by removing the snow under your boots before stepping into your bindings.

  • Check that your binding DIN settings are appropriate. Make sure your boot buckles are firm but not too tight, and securely fasten the chin strap of your helmet.

  • If you are skiing slalom, ensure your skis are on the correct foot to match the design of the skis.

4. Warm Up

Warm up before your race by doing dynamic exercises like jogging, leg swings, and jumping jacks to increase blood flow, loosen muscles, and mentally prepare for the race.

5. Race Start

Start the race with confidence and concentrate on skating, pushing hard with your poles, and looking ahead.

6. Race Mantra

  • A race mantra is a short phrase or set of words you repeat to yourself to stay focused and confident during a race. It helps block out distractions, keep a positive mindset, and remind you of your goals while skiing.

  • An example is saying “Forward” to yourself at the beginning of each turn in a slalom course to remind you to move forward early in the turn.

Key Takeaways

  1. Focus on visualizing the racecourse, staying calm through deep breathing, and ignoring distractions to stay mentally prepared.

  2. Ensure your equipment is ready: Check that your bindings, boot buckles, and helmet are secure, and if skiing slalom, make sure your skis are on the correct feet.

  3. Start the race with confidence, and consider using a Race Mantra to stay focused.

Other Learning Modules

Return to Train with Purpose

Return to Race Start

Important Message: Skiing and ski racing involve inherent risks. It’s essential to ski responsibly and stay within your skill level and personal comfort limits.