Coach Yourself

Image by ARM


  • You can become your own skiing coach by following a structured method: identify areas for improvement, diagnose the causes, find solutions, practice relevant drills, ski with a specific focus, and document your progress in a journal.

  • An example is provided, highlighting the process of fixing the ‘A Frame’.

Everyone can be their own personal coach using this Method

Image Created by ARM

Illustration: Create More Edge Angle by Skiing with Parallel Shins


  • You want to ski with your shins parallel to increase the edge angle and pressure on your outside ski so it will bend, carve and accelerate.

  • However, you ski with your inside ski flat on the snow while your outside ski is on its edge causing your shins to be in an position that looks like the letter “A”.


Two causes for skiing with an A frame:

  1. Your body is not fully stacked over the outside ski causing some pressure to be applied to the inside ski, and

  2. Your inside leg is not activating to move the inside leg inward and parallel with the outside leg.


Learn how to fully stack your core and outside leg and activate your inside leg by viewing the Learning Modules: Ski Technique, Stacking and Roll the Inside Leg.

  • The Stork Drill video demonstrates how to apply 100 percent pressure against the outside ski.

Drills to Correct the ‘A’ Frame

  • Place your hands on the outside of your knees.

  • When applying pressure to the outside ski use the inside leg to push outwards against your hand.

Parallel Shins in Action

Practice skiing with your shins parallel like Mikaela Shiffrin in this video.

Write in your Journal

Describe the movements you performed to improve your skiing in your paper or digital journal. Review your notes before the next time you ski and have a plan for the first turn of the day including practising your drill(s).

Enjoy your new skiing experience!

Key Takeaways

  1. You can become your own skiing coach by following a structured method, which includes identifying areas for improvement, diagnosing the causes of problems, finding solutions, practicsng relevant drills, skiing with a specific focus, and documenting progress in a journal.

  2. An example is provided to illustrate the process of fixing the ‘A Frame’ issue in skiing.

Suggested Learning Modules

Q & A’s about Skiing and Racing

Return to Learn like Elites or Learn to Race

Important Message: Skiing and ski racing involve inherent risks. It’s essential to ski responsibly and stay within your skill level and personal comfort limits.